Steam Update March

It has been quite sometime we said we are going to launch the steam page!

Some people have been asking why it is not out yet and the reason is mainly
This is our first time making a steam page first hand and what is taking so extra longtime because we are also mainly rebuilding the demo and going through the steam approval system but that part is almost finished and now we are looking into just making it better.

When we initially launched the vertical slice demo, the one you played that we naively just set up a discord as an afterthought to engage with people. As this has been an experimental game we tried to not expect too much.

In other news my personal computer is also about to break as many things are acting slower than usual. I think I need to reinstall windows or something  and I will also move apartment during summer so moving will take some time. So unfortunately not being able to work as much as I want

About the upcoming demo

Don’t expect  new content, rather just polished content and maybe a few new things, I highly suggest playing it once it is out as a lot has been configured!

Hopefully before next devlog update week we will have it out along with some surprises!

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